The Pets of Opera NexGen

Here at Opera NexGen, we love our pets as much as we love singing. Let’s take a minute to meet some of the furriest members of the Opera NexGen team!



First up, we have Puccini!

Puccini is six years old and lives with Jessica Bloch, our Director of Finance & Administration. Rumor has it, he can meow with vibrato!

Next, we’ve got Huey!

Huey is companion to our Director of Marketing and Communications, Emma Storm. He loves chiming in on marketing team meetings and being a loveable doof!

Our Artistic Director, André Chiang, has a small herd of furry friends!

Going from left to right, we’ve got Cleo, Max, Mango, and Ash! Not a bad group of roommates, if you ask me.

Up next, we’d like you to meet Spooky!

Spooky is the family cat of our Director of Development, Maitri White. She’s also one of the only cats we’ve met that knows her angles.

These two adorable kittens are Estyr and Dalyla!

These two furballs live with our General Director, Jaime Sharp. Look at those eyes!

Last, but certainly not least, we’ve got Ziva!

Ziva lives with our Marketing Associate, DiDi Turley (Me!). She is as chaotic as she is adorable, and never lets a meeting pass without making a guest appearance.


A Look Inside Night Trip


A word from our interns.